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Library Frequesntly Asked Questions (FAQ) Library Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Library Cards

How do I get a library card?
Sign up online or visit one of our libraries. Adults are asked to provide two forms of I.D. to attain a library card, one must be a photo I.D. and the other has to have current proof of residence. If an individual does not have two forms of I.D. an Arizona driver’s license with current address/photo will be accepted.

You may sign up online for a temporary library card by clicking here.
*Temporary cards do not allow access to the Greater Phoenix Digital Library (OverDrive) nor cloudLibrary.

How much does a library card cost?
Peoria Public Library cards are free.

I don’t live in the City of Peoria, but can I still get a Peoria Public Library card?
As long as you are a resident of Maricopa County you are eligible for a Peoria Public Library card.

What do I do if I lose my library card?
Be sure to notify any Peoria Public Library location if your card is lost or stolen. If you do not report your card lost or stolen and someone else uses it, you will be responsible for the items checked out and fees accrued. To acquire a new card, visit any Peoria Public Library location and bring photo ID with your current address listed.

How do I renew my library card?
Simply either call your local Peoria Public Library or bring in your library card during your next visit and staff will verify your address, phone number, birthdate and email address (if on file). Peoria resident library cards will be renewed for 3 years. Non-resident library cards will be renewed for 1 year.

I don’t have my library card. Can you look me up by my name to check out?
Patrons aged 18+ can check-out items with a valid Arizona drivers license in the event they forget to bring their library card. The address on the driver’s license must match the address listed on the patron account. Patrons may also download and sign into the MyLibro Library App and use its library card barcode feature to check out items at the Self-Check machines or circulations desks.

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Checking Items Out

How many items can I check out?
You may have up to 35 items checked out on your card at a time. This includes DVDs, CDs, audio book CDs and Libby items.

How long can I keep the items I check out?
Books, audio books, CDs, mobile hotspots and laptop kits check out for 3 weeks. DVDs, Blu-rays and Explore-To-Go kits check out for 1 week. Book Club Kits checkout for 6 weeks.

Do you have book drops?
Yes, both libraries of the Peoria Public Library System have book drops. The book drops are open on days the library is also open. Book drops are closed during holidays and closures, however items checked out are not due during the closures. Items that would normally be due on a holiday or day closed will be due during the next buisness day.

How many holds can I place?
Patrons may place up to 10 holds on their card at one time.

If I don't pick up my hold, what happens?
Your hold will be cancelled. We do ask to please notify the library if you will not be able to pick up your hold within the allotted six day pick up period so other patrons may check out the items.

I owe fees but can’t pay today. Can I still check out?
Yes, as long as your fees are less than $10.

Can I renew online or by phone?
If the item does not have a hold on it by another patron or it reached its maximum number of 4 renews, it can be renewed via your library account. You may also call any Peoria Public Library location to renew your items.

To access your library account, Click Here. You will need your library card and PIN numbers to access your account.

How many times can I renew my items?
Most books, audio books, CDs, and DVDs automatically renew up to 4 times unless another patron has requested the item or there is a balance of $10 or more on your account.

I am late with an item. How much are the fines?
The Peoria Public Libraries do not charge overdue fines, we only ask that the materials are returned by their due date or as soon as possible.

Does the library use the services of a collection agency?
Yes. Accounts with fees of $25.00 or more will be submitted to a collection agency after 21 days.

Can I get an email notification when my books are due?
Yes. You can sign up at your library to receive a reminder when your materials are due and first overdue notice via e-mail. If you wish to receive a reminder when your items are due and your first overdue notice this way please make sure that we have your e-mail address on file. You may also sign up for eReceipts and have your check out and renewal receipts emailed to you.

I lost an item. What do I do?
You are responsible for every item you check out. If you have lost an item, you will be charged a replacement cost and a processing fee.

I checked out an item and it got damaged. Do I have to pay for it?
If an item can no longer be circulated due to damage, you will be charged a replacement cost and a processing fee. You will not be held responsible for normal wear and tear.

Can I return my items to any library?
You may return your items to any Peoria Public Library. If you return your items to a library outside of the Peoria system, you are responsible for ensuring that they are returned to Peoria. Please note that the items stay on your card until we receive them and if they are not received, you are still responsible for the items.

Is the library ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant?
Yes. The Library fully complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and provides accommodations on request for physical access, communication or other needs that ensure our services, activities and employment are available to people with disabilities.
View the Peoria Public Libraries' Contact Information here.

What if I can't find what I'm looking for?
Both locations have qualified reference staff to assist you with finding materials to suit your needs.

Neither branch of the Peoria Public Library has the book I'm looking for. Is there another way that I can get it?
If the Library does not own a book, patrons may visit their local Peoria Library and submit an Interlibrary Loan request. Interlibrary loan forms are avilable at each branch. Once we have the completed form, we will try to get the book for you. For more information about our interlibrary loan service, call (623) 773-7724.

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Do the Libraries have study rooms I can use?
Yes, both buildings each have 2 study rooms open to the public. They are on a first come, first served basis and cannot be reserved a head of time. Please contact the Peoria Main Library at (623) 773-7556 or Sunrise Mountain Library at (623) 773-8650 with any questions.

Can I fax documents from the library?
Yes, both Libraries have a faxing service. The charges are as follows:

  • Local: $2.00 for the first page, $1.00 for each additional page.
  • Long Distance: $3.00 for the first page, $1.00 for each additional page.

Can I make photocopies or scan documents at the library?
Yes, both the Peoria Main Library and Sunrise Mountain Library have public-accessible photocopiers/scanners.

  • The cost is $0.20 per page and is paid with cash only. Only quarters, dimes, nickels, $1.00 or $5.00 dollar bills are accepted.
  • The photocopiers/scanners are NOT connected to a network. Pages/photos must be scanned to a patron-provided USB memory device.

Can I volunteer at the library?
Both the Peoria Main and Sunrise Mountain Libraries often have opportunities for volunteers, with applications available at both buildings. For more information, please contact your local Peoria Public Library with the information provided above. For additional volunteer opportunities, visit our Friends of the Peoria Public Library page.

Additional Services:
For additional services, please visit:

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The Libraries are happy to accept donations of hardback or paperback books, children’s books, cookbooks, magazines, DVDs and CDs. Please bring your donations to the Library’s front desk. Tax donation receipts are available.

We regret, due to space and processing concerns, that we are unable to accept materials that are dusty, dirty, missing covers, smoke filled or water damaged, encyclopedias, VHS and cassette tapes, textbooks over five years old or magazines over six months old, except for AZ Highways and National Geographic.

If you have a large donation, please make an appointment for when you plan to deliver to the Main or Sunrise Mountain Library.

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More Information

To view information about the Peoria Public Library's branches, hours of operation, contact information, and policies, Click Here.

Content Statement

The beliefs and opinions expressed within the Peoria Public Library and/or the literature, materials, programming and web-content accessed through the Library do not represent the viewpoint of the Peoria Public Library or the City of Peoria.

picture of the Peoria Public Library new Centennial logo