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Sunrise Mountain Library Information Sunrise Mountain Library Information
Picture of the Sunrise Mountain Library

Contact Information:
21109 N. 98th Ave. • Peoria, AZ, 85382
Reference/Circulation: (623) 773-8650

Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Friday - Saturday: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday: Closed.

The Sunrise Mountain Library originally started out as a shared use facility between the school library and the public library. The concept for the original shared use school/public library facility originated in 1994. By combining funding and working together, we were able to build a bigger and better library, much sooner than we could have otherwise. The 18,000 square foot library opened in 1996. Target General was the contractor. Construction of a 22,000 square foot branch library at 98th Avenue and Lake Pleasant Parkway in the Camino A Lago development began in 2008. The single story pavilion-like building complements the services of the Main Library, provides a dedicated library location for patrons in northern Peoria and allows for expansion of the city’s growing book and media collection. Upon completion of the new building in March 2009 the original building reverted to use by students of the high school only.

Area: 22,000 square feet
Collection: 96,000 items
Card Holders: 88,000

Architect: Richard and Bauer

Sunrise Mountain Library is located on 98th Avenue and Lake Pleasant Parkway. Parking is available on the west side of the Library.

The book drop is located at the entrance to the library.

picture of the Peoria Public Library new Centennial logo